
Calibre Essay Prize 2024

About Calibre Essay Prize:

Australian Book Review (ABR), one of Australia’s major cultural magazines, presents high-quality journalism and new writing for the widest possible audience. It engages with all the arts, not just literature. It is diverse in terms of content, writers, and partners. It provides a needed forum for new Australian writers and reviewers, and it is committed to raising the standard of arts criticism in Australia.

ABR is an independent, not-for-profit monthly magazine, governed by an independent Board, managed by a small, skilled editorial and management team, and committed to the publication and promotion of creative and critical writing of the highest standard.

Created in 1961, it lapsed in 1974 and was revived in 1978.

Rules and Regulations:

I don’t live in Australia and I am not an Australian citizen. Can I still enter the Calibre Essay Prize?
Yes. Anyone can enter the Calibre Essay Prize. But all essays must be written in English.

I’m interested in the Calibre Essay Prize but don’t know much about it. How can I familiarise myself with the competition?
This is the eighteenth time that ABR has presented this prize. Click here for more information about past winners. Subscribers can access all past winning stories, available to read in our online archive or to purchase in hard copy from our online store. To learn more about becoming a subscriber, click here.

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How can I find out more about ABR?
ABR is a cultural magazine that appears in print and online eleven times a year. You can subscribe to the magazine by clicking here, or you can purchase single issues here. Digital subscriptions start from as little as $10 per month.

What are the opening dates for the 2024 Calibre Essay Prize?
Entries opened 23 October 2023 and will close at 11:59pm (AEST) on 22 January 2024.

Is there a set theme or topic for the Calibre Essay Prize?
No, we welcome non-fiction essays of all kinds: personal or political, literary or speculative, traditional or experimental.

What is the word limit for the Calibre Essay Prize?
Essays must be between 2,000 and 5,000 words.

Should endnotes be included in the word count?
Yes. The maximum number of words is 5,000. While not rejecting endnotes, we discourage the inclusion of many.

Is ABR an academic journal? Are you looking for academic articles?
ABR is not an academic journal, though our interests are sophisticated, and we publish many academics. We are looking for general non-fiction essays that will make brilliant literary journalism.

Are images acceptable?
Yes. You may illustrate your essay, but the total file size should not exceed 3 MB.

Can I enter multiple essays as one entry?
No. Separate entries must be made, and fees paid, for each essay entered into the Calibre Essay Prize. This is to ensure that a record is kept of each essay entered, and also to ensure that payment is successfully made for each. If you purchase a subscription to ABR, subsequent entries can be made at the subscriber rate of AU$20.

Is there a limit to the number of essays I can enter?
No, but as stated above, each essay must be entered and paid for separately as individual entries. If you purchase a subscription to ABR, subsequent entries can be made at the subscriber rate of AU$20 per entry.

Can I submit or publish the work I have entered in the Prize elsewhere while I await notification?
Yes, entries may be offered elsewhere during the judging of the Calibre Prize. If an entrant is longlisted and has their essay offered elsewhere, the entrant will have 24 hours to decide if they would like to withdraw their essay on offer elsewhere or from the Calibre Prize.


The 2024 Calibre Essay Prize is worth a total of $10,000. The winner will receive $5,000. The second prize is worth $3,000, the third prize, $2,000. All three winning essays will appear in Australian Book Review in 2024 (print and online).

You can be in contact with us in case of submission or further questions.

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