
The Grindstone Novel Prize 2023

The grindstone 2023 Novel Prize is now open for submissions

Open to authors from all around the world, we’re looking for the best and boldest new manuscripts. If you’ve finished or are currently working on a novel, then we’d love to read it. Please review the rules and submissions guidelines below before submitting. Good luck!

Novel prize overview

The 2023 Novel Prize is open to authors from all countries, provided their submissions are in English.


To be eligible to enter, authors must be unrepresented. Authors which have been previously published but are currently unrepresented are eligible to enter. Self-published authors who are unrepresented are eligible to enter.

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Entrants are asked to submit the first 5,000 words of their manuscript.


Manuscripts may be finished or part-finished at the time of submission. All manuscripts must have a finished (or projected finished) length exceeding 70,000 words.


All genres are accepted, with the exception of work aimed at children, and erotic fiction. Young Adult books are accepted.


Entrants may make as many entries as they wish. Each entry must have its own entry fee paid.


The prize will be run across three phases; the Super Early Bird, Early Bird, and Final Submission phase.


Revised versions of previous entries (either made in previous competitions or earlier phases of the same competition) are accepted.


The prize will be judged internally, with all winners selected at our discretion.


Grand Prize: £1,500


Runner Up: £500


Shortlist: 4x £100



Longlist: All longlisted pieces (along with the winning pieces), will be forwarded directly to our full list of affiliated agents.

Dates and deadlines

Super Early Bird submission deadline: 1st April 2023


Results announced: 1st June 2023​


Early Bird submission deadline: 1st July 2023


Results announced: 1st September 2023​


Final Phase submission deadline: 1st October 2023


Winners and longlist announced: 1st December 2023​



Note: Those entering in the Super Early Bird and Early Bird phases may edit and resubmit their manuscripts in a later competition phase if they wish. All re-entries must have a valid entry fee paid at the time of submission.

What to submit

One PDF document containing:


A title page including the name of the manuscript, the genre, the word count (current and projected if unfinished), and your name and email address


A 100 word elevator pitch of your novel


The opening 5,000 words of your manuscript (10% margin)


A 300-400 word synopsis summarising the key plot points of your novel


Please endeavour to submit your novel in Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 or 2.0 line spaced for ease of reading. If this is not possible, please use another easily readable font.


If possible, when naming your file, use the format: <TITLE>, <Author Name> – Grindstone Submission



Note: Entries must be submitted in PDF format.

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