International Posterist Exhibition competition
International Posterist Exhibition competition
About Competition
The Department of Graphic Design, a unit of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakif University, recently has announced its 2nd International Posterist Exhibition competition, themed “Istanbul“.
Each applicant can participate with a maximum of 3 posters. Submitted designs must not have been exhibited, published or awarded anywhere before.
Designs can be made in any technique. The works uploaded to the website should have 50×70 cm. dimensions, 300 dpi resolution and JPEG format. A verbal message (title, slogan, etc.) that supports the visual design can be used on the posters. The language of the messages to be used on the designs participating in the exhibition can be Turkish or one of the local languages of the participants. However, if one of the local languages is used, the English version must also be present.
The works will be evaluated on digital environment by the juries. Works deemed suitable for exhibition will be published on the website on May 04, 2023
Participation in the exhibition is open to everyone.
The best poster designs will be exhibited online and awarded with certificates.
Entry fees
There is no entry fee to participate!
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