visual art

YICCA 2023 – International Contest of Contemporary Art

YICCA 2023 – International Contest of Contemporary Art

Deadline 13 April 2023

Results Announcement Expected 4 May 2023

ing subscriptions for the YICCA 2023 – International Contest of Contemporary Art.

Internationality and networking make this art call a huge chance for the artists, who can win a cash prize and have the opportunity to exhibit the submitted works in an art gallery of a European city.

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The competition’s aim is to promote the enrolled artists, giving them chance to join the international market of contemporary art.

YICCA is an international call for artists, open to professionals and not only from any country in the world.

The 2023 Competition brings the following opportunities to the participating artists:

  • Win a cash prize:
    • 3,000 Euro money prize to the first selected
    • 1,000 Euro money prize to the second selected
  • Promote their art through a variety of channels:
    • Exhibit the selected artworks in an exhibition space, determined by competition.
    • Improve the relationship between finalists and critics, curators, gallery owners, public and private art institutions that will have access to this important exhibition.
    • Have maximum visibility through the advertising campaign that will follow the competition and all its stages.

All kinds of contemporary artworks are allowed in the art contest: drawings, paintings, sculptures, photographs, graphics, mix media, video, installations and performances.

The contest is open to all artists or groups of artists. There are no special qualifications required for entry.

To register, please complete the registration form on the official website.

YICCA 2023 – Contest of Contemporary Art – Entry Fee

The subscription fee starts at 50 Euro and varies depending on the number of submitted artworks.


YICCA 2023 – International Contest of Contemporary Art

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