
The 12th Annual First Look Project

The 12th Annual First Look Project

The 12th Annual First Look Project searches for higher-concept material across multiple categories:

Screenplay – Action & Sci-fi, Comedy, Drama, and Horror & Thriller
TV Pilot – Hour and Half-hour original pilots, any genre

One winner in each division receives a share of $15,000, industry circulation, and long-term development assistance from Script Pipeline’s executive team. A minimum of one runner-up is also chosen for each category.

Supported by Bellevue Productions (Infinite), Divide/Conquer (M3GAN), QC Entertainment (Get Out, Us), Destro Films (Lizzie), and additional Script Pipeline partners, the competition introduces the winners and runners-up to these and other companies.

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Unlike Script Pipeline’s Screenwriting and TV writing competitions, entries for First Look are judged on both writing ability and commercial potential, in addition to the originality of the concept. In other words, for this particular contest, your script could be a little rough around the edges and still have a good chance to win, if we feel the story itself could stand out in the current landscape. Finalists and winners receive extensive development post-contest prior to industry circulation.

“I am in awe of this incredible honor—which would not be possible without the help of the Script Pipeline team. They saw something in Court 17 and collaborated with me to make sure we were maximizing its potential. I love the First Look competition because it leans into the collaborative process that is storytelling … No other contest will ever match up to them.” – Elad Ziv, First Look Project Winner (signed with Bellevue, #2 on the 2022 Black List)

Over $8 million in screenplays and pilots have been sold by Script Pipeline writers as well as numerous scripts produced since 1999, such as studio releases Stuber by Tripper Clancy and Snow White and the Huntsman by Evan Daugherty. Pipeline Screenwriting finalist Bring Me Back by Crosby Selander sold to Legendary for seven figures—one of the biggest spec sales in years. And Helen Gaughran’s winning script Visitation began production in 2023, starring Olivia Cooke (House of the Dragon) and Isla Johnston (The Queen’s Gambit). Several Pipeline writers have made The Black List, with Cauliflower by Daniel Jackson (2021) and Pure by Catherine Schetina (2022), both landing at the #1 spot. While winners Daniel Jackson (Screenwriting), Elad Ziv (First Look Project), and Brian T. Arnold (First Look Project) landed at Bellevue over the past couple seasons, many others have signed at UTA, Kaplan/Perrone, Alibi Management, and more after Script Pipeline introductions. View notable success stories.
The First Look Project selects six winners, with at least one runner-up in each category, who receive the following:

– $15,000 awarded to winners ($2,500 in each genre category)

– Long-term facilitation to Script Pipeline’s industry network of producers, agents, and managers seeking features.

– Development assistance from Script Pipeline’s execs on both the screenplay and pitch

– Additional script reviews and consideration of other material for industry exposure

– Invitations to private events and Symposium panels hosted by Pipeline

The 12th Annual First Look Project

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