
2023 International Poster Competition

2023 International Poster Competition

4 August 2023

Who may enter
The competition is open to anyone.

Short description

INTL formerly operating as Graphic Design Festival Scotland invites designers worldwide to showcase their posters.

 Launched in 2014, the International Poster Competition is recognised as one of the world’s largest collections of contemporary posters, receiving over 47,000+ entries from over 100 countries since launching.

The brief is open. Submissions may be created specifically for the competition, for a client or as self-promotion.

You may submit a maximum of 8 posters.

All posters must have been created between 2021-2023.

Enter your posters to the International Poster Competition via Entry Form.

Entry fee
The competition is free to enter.

• 1st Place: £500
• 2nd Place: £300
• 3rd Place: £100

The highly-rated entries will be chosen for the International Poster Exhibition in Olympia Gallery and Poster World app. These entries will also be showcased in the International Poster Book (approx 200 posters).

Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website.

2023 International Poster Competition

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دریچه سینما

بعد از چندین سال فعالیت به صورت سنتی، در سال 88 همزمان با روز ملی سینما وبسایت گروه ما متولد تا قدیمی ترین منبع مستقل انتشار فراخوان های بین المللی باشد. سعی می کنیم بهترین مطالب و رویدادهای هنری جهان رو معرفی کنیم و راه موفقیت هنرمندان را هموار کنیم. سلام ثبت نام

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نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

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