
Annecy International Animation Film Festival

the Annecy International Animation Film Festival (France) is accepting short animated films until February 15, feature animations until March 15, and VR Works until April 6, 2023.

About the festival:
Participate in the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, the global event dedicated to animation! For an entire week, the event gathers together the biggest names in the sector and celebrates the creative and diverse animation styles and techniques.


– The festival accepts any audiovisual animation, created frame by frame whatever the technique, made for the cinema, television and any other screening platform.
– Only works completed after January 1, 2022 and never previously entered at the Annecy Festival will be accepted.
– The festival accepts short films, feature films (over 60 minutes), TV films and webseries, Commissioned Films, Graduation Films, and VR Works.
– For non-French or English speaking films must be subtitled in English.
– The festival may take into consideration unfinished works (work in progress) providing they are well enough advanced to be judged and the person submitting the film guarantees to finish it by 15th May 2023. If this is the case, it must be clearly stated in the title and at the beginning of the film that it is a WIP.
– Selected films will only be screened in DCP format.
– Submission Fee: Free
– Deadlines:
* Short Films, Graduation Films, TV Films, Commissioned Films – February 15, 2023
* Feature Films – March 15, 2023
* VR Works – April 6, 2023
– Notification Date: End March 2023

We recommend reading the full Rules and Regulations here: (This is also the submission link)

We remind readers that the 47th Annecy International Animation Film Festival will take place from June 12 – 17, 2023 in Annecy,

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دریچه سینما

بعد از چندین سال فعالیت به صورت سنتی، در سال 88 همزمان با روز ملی سینما وبسایت گروه ما متولد تا قدیمی ترین منبع مستقل انتشار فراخوان های بین المللی باشد. سعی می کنیم بهترین مطالب و رویدادهای هنری جهان رو معرفی کنیم و راه موفقیت هنرمندان را هموار کنیم. سلام ثبت نام

دیدگاهتان را بنویسید

نشانی ایمیل شما منتشر نخواهد شد. بخش‌های موردنیاز علامت‌گذاری شده‌اند *

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