

About BIRCA Women Residency

BIRCA Women Residency is for 6 performing artists who define themselves as female/femme with a joint residency of 2 weeks. The residency seeks to expand your current practice with a focus on the health of the planet. We seek to create new solo, shared and collaborative performance works, with a focus on exchange and collaboration.

The residency addresses interconnectivity through the ecology of environment, of social justice, of spirit and intellectual dimensions. By embracing the natural surroundings of BIRCA we want to create a vision for an regenerative future that nourishes intersection, communication, generosity and sharing as modes of being and creating. You can work on your own projects/practice at the same time as you are expected to enter into a dialogue with the other performing artists and remain open to the possibility of co-creation. We are creating a space for co-creation and exchange, where we aim for care, trust and safety with room for exchanging experiences of being
a female performing artist.

We will work with a range of tools and processes to balance structural frameworks for freedom of creation based on BIRCA’s mantra of Radical Openness consisting of transparency, co-creation, sharing and empowerment. We want to be able to share and listen to diverse languages of the artistic and cultural conversations, and we want to create a shared open structure for the residency. There will be communal dining every day and collective meal planning. The project ends with a public work-in-progress presentation done jointly followed by a sharing of thoughts.

BIRCA Women is taking place on Bornholm/Denmark and is led by Susanne Danig/BIRCA in collaboration with Danish performance artists Nana-Francisca Schottländer who will facilitate a joint workshop at the beginning of the residency. Accommodation and food expenses will be covered, and we will reimburse up to 300€/2200DK in travel expenses and pay a fee of

Read more about practical things at BIRCA Women here:

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You can be in contact with us in case of submission or further questions.

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بعد از چندین سال فعالیت به صورت سنتی، در سال 88 همزمان با روز ملی سینما وبسایت گروه ما متولد تا قدیمی ترین منبع مستقل انتشار فراخوان های بین المللی باشد. سعی می کنیم بهترین مطالب و رویدادهای هنری جهان رو معرفی کنیم و راه موفقیت هنرمندان را هموار کنیم. سلام ثبت نام

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